dcsbm: Estimate degree corrected stochastic block models
The 'dcsbm' packages provides methods for estimating a two-way degree corrected stochastic block model for directed, weighted graphs. Depends on the 'igraph' library https://igraph.org for graph handling. See Peixoto (2014) <10.1103/PhysRevE.89.012804> for details on the inference algorithm.
Estimate a stochastic block model with or without degree correction. Works for directed multigraphs with self-loops.
- graph
An igraph graph.
- degree_correction
Whether to use degree correction.
- n.blocks
The maximum and minimum number of blocks to consider in the estimation.
- n.moves
Number of merge trials per block (see
).- n.sweeps
Number of sweeps after block merge (see
).- verbose
Wether to print verbose output during estimation.
- control
List of parameters for the inference algorithm.
A list object including the estimated SBM parameters such as block transmission probabilities and degree correction parameters Entries:
- B_opt
Optimal number of blocks
- minimum_description_length
Description length of the best partition
- block_transmission_probs
A B x B matrix of block transmission probabilities
- degree_parameters
A list with one or two degree parameters per node depending on whether the graph is undirected or directed
- best_partition
The optimal estimated partition
- iterations
information about each collapse iteration
Estimate a degree corrected stochastic block model: dcsbm
Sample a (weighted) graph from the planted partition model: sample_ppm
Sample a (weighted) graph from a degree variable planted partition model: sample_dcppm
g <- sample_ppm(60, 0.9, 10, 3)
model <- dcsbm(g)
#> GRAPH: Undirected - Multi graph - Without loops (N = 60, E = 597)
#> Estimating a traditional SBM via agglomerative merging.
#> Using a random starting partition with 60 blocks.
#> Merging from 60 to 1 block(s)...
| | 0% [ 60 -> 40 blocks ]
|= | 2%
|== | 3%
|== | 5%
|=== | 7%
|==== | 8%
|===== | 10%
|===== | 12%
|====== | 13%
|======= | 15%
|======== | 17%
|========= | 18%
|========= | 20%
|========== | 22%
|=========== | 23%
|============ | 25%
|============= | 27%
|============= | 28%
|============== | 30%
|=============== | 32%
|================ | 33%
|================ | 35%
|================= | 37%
|================== | 38%
|=================== | 40%
|==================== | 42%
|==================== | 43%
|===================== | 45%
|====================== | 47%
|======================= | 48%
|======================== | 50%
|======================== | 52%
|========================= | 53%
|========================== | 55%
|=========================== | 57%
|=========================== | 58%
|============================ | 60%
|============================= | 62%
|============================== | 63%
|=============================== | 65%
|=============================== | 67%
|================================ | 68%
|================================= | 70%
|================================== | 72%
|================================== | 73%
|=================================== | 75%
|==================================== | 77%
|===================================== | 78%
|====================================== | 80%
|====================================== | 82%
|======================================= | 83%
|======================================== | 85%
|========================================= | 87%
|========================================== | 88%
|========================================== | 90%
|=========================================== | 92%
|============================================ | 93%
|============================================= | 95%
|============================================= | 97%
|============================================== | 98%
|===============================================| 100%
| | 0% [ 40 -> 27 blocks ]
|= | 2%
|== | 5%
|==== | 8%
|===== | 10%
|====== | 12%
|======= | 15%
|======== | 18%
|========= | 20%
|=========== | 22%
|============ | 25%
|============= | 28%
|============== | 30%
|=============== | 32%
|================ | 35%
|================== | 38%
|=================== | 40%
|==================== | 42%
|===================== | 45%
|====================== | 48%
|======================== | 50%
|========================= | 52%
|========================== | 55%
|=========================== | 58%
|============================ | 60%
|============================= | 62%
|=============================== | 65%
|================================ | 68%
|================================= | 70%
|================================== | 72%
|=================================== | 75%
|==================================== | 78%
|====================================== | 80%
|======================================= | 82%
|======================================== | 85%
|========================================= | 88%
|========================================== | 90%
|=========================================== | 92%
|============================================= | 95%
|============================================== | 98%
|===============================================| 100%
| | 0% [ 27 -> 18 blocks ]
|== | 4%
|=== | 7%
|===== | 11%
|======= | 15%
|========= | 19%
|========== | 22%
|============ | 26%
|============== | 30%
|================ | 33%
|================= | 37%
|=================== | 41%
|===================== | 44%
|======================= | 48%
|======================== | 52%
|========================== | 56%
|============================ | 59%
|============================== | 63%
|=============================== | 67%
|================================= | 70%
|=================================== | 74%
|===================================== | 78%
|====================================== | 81%
|======================================== | 85%
|========================================== | 89%
|============================================ | 93%
|============================================= | 96%
|===============================================| 100%
| | 0% [ 18 -> 12 blocks ]
|=== | 6%
|===== | 11%
|======== | 17%
|========== | 22%
|============= | 28%
|================ | 33%
|================== | 39%
|===================== | 44%
|======================== | 50%
|========================== | 56%
|============================= | 61%
|=============================== | 67%
|================================== | 72%
|===================================== | 78%
|======================================= | 83%
|========================================== | 89%
|============================================ | 94%
|===============================================| 100%
| | 0% [ 12 -> 8 blocks ]
|==== | 8%
|======== | 17%
|============ | 25%
|================ | 33%
|==================== | 42%
|======================== | 50%
|============================ | 58%
|================================ | 67%
|==================================== | 75%
|======================================== | 83%
|============================================ | 92%
|================================================| 100%
| | 0% [ 8 -> 5 blocks ]
|====== | 12%
|============ | 25%
|================== | 38%
|======================== | 50%
|=============================== | 62%
|===================================== | 75%
|=========================================== | 88%
|=================================================| 100%
| | 0% [ 5 -> 3 blocks ]
|========== | 20%
|==================== | 40%
|============================= | 60%
|======================================= | 80%
|=================================================| 100%
| | 0% [ 3 -> 2 blocks ]
|================ | 33%
|================================= | 67%
|=================================================| 100%
| | 0% [ 2 -> 1 blocks ]
|======================== | 50%
|=================================================| 100%
#> Minimal description length for 3 blocks (DL/E = 1.88).
#> Merging from 5 to 2 block(s)...
| | 0% [ 5 -> 4 blocks ]
|========== | 20%
|==================== | 40%
|============================= | 60%
|======================================= | 80%
|=================================================| 100%
| | 0% [ 4 -> 3 blocks ]
|============ | 25%
|======================== | 50%
|===================================== | 75%
|=================================================| 100%
| | 0% [ 3 -> 2 blocks ]
|================ | 33%
|================================= | 67%
|=================================================| 100%
#> Minimal description length for 3 blocks (DL/E = 1.88).
#> Converged at 3 blocks (DL/E = 1.88).